“I firmly believe that Truth is your universal problem solver and healer, and your path to Freedom.”
Mark Gibson

“Great book! … You [have written] a book that definitely should be read… you clearly have a worldview that … is fully capable of standing on its own … The book’s eternal Truths came from some real-life journey that should be celebrated… ‘your Truths manifest reality,’ links Truth with acts of love… The book’s idea of having lost our freedoms is sure to grab the reader’s interest. It does mine … you take the reader to circumstances that can be heart-rending and mind-boggling.“
–Kelly Kinkade,
Director, Stoic School Institute
Book ExCerptS
“Spirit gave each of us the ability to heal every wound so that we can thrive in Divine Peace.
When you embrace the suggestions that I put forth in this book (especially learning how to distinguish destructive irrational fears from life-nurturing rational fears), ultimately you will come to know that Truth is the path to Freedom and that acceptance of the Truth is the only real security the world has to offer.”
“The only defense the Truth needs is for you to offer it to everyone. No defensive behavior, no offensive behavior. “
“There is never a reason to stop enriching your mind and Spirit. Nature is ever-changing and evolving. It is never done, just as our personal evolution, growth, and expansion into greater Freedom never ends. Since our growth does not stop, it is short-sighted to say, ‘I’m doing the best I can,’ or ‘I can’t do any better.’”
“In my relentless expansion into Truth, I have learned that most people have unwittingly sacrificed much of their personal freedom because they are fearful of touching their fears—and many of their Truths.
With practice, this rational-or-irrational-fear awareness will become second nature and encourage you to move forward with Truth-based self-confidence in your Self-directed personal evolution.
You would be mistaken to believe that recognizing, accepting, and sharing your feelings and emotions is unhealthy.”
“Motivated by Love, in this infinite, clear, OPiE-free mental space, you will choose Unity over separation, sharing over greed, reality over illusions, confidence over fear, and Truth over deceit.”
“A person who aspires to Higher Consciousness will learn to invalidate the voice of their OPiE … truthfully answering the question, “What is the Truth of this moment?”
By using the Truth to bring more life-supporting spiritual light into your life, you can more fully embrace your “In-Lighten-Meant.”
“-If you believe that the components of your human essence—compassion, Love, creativity, Truth, intuition, courage, and others—are gifts to humanity from the Creator, then there is no need to fear them. A unifying thread that runs through all of these components is the physical or spiritual benefit to the evolution of humankind. They are mental tools that allow you to explore how your Self may evolve further into Unity Consciousness on the physical plane.”
“If you want to enrich your Self toward your greatest growth potential, then repeat this Truth to your Self: For me, every moment is an opportunity for my unlimited learning and growth.“

Mark Gibson is an author, speaker and coach. His latest book “Truth is the Path to Freedom” is his life’s work, where he gives you tools and insights on the practical applications of Truth. He is also available for speaking engagements and as a life coach.